Sunday, December 28, 2008

More pictures

I should have taken more pictures than I did but here are a couple of the fam...

My son Andrew and his girl, Julie.

I told them all that if they don't let me take their picture when I ask, then I just won't ask...

If only he could talk!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

When you ignore the cat on Christmas Day....

He places himself in the middle of what you are doing, gives you the stink-eye, and double-dog dares you to keep ignoring him.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Review over - making plans for next year =)

So I had my annual review and it was fine - lasted about 2 After five years, he knows me. He looked over my evaluation sheet and his first comment was "why did you give yourself a 3 on quality of work? You're much better than that..." Blushing, I replied that I didn't want to boost myself too much and that I had found it difficult to be objective about my own performance. He said..."not me, I would have given myself all 5's" then laughed. I told him that that was what Dave said and we had a good laugh again. We didn't really discuss anything else, just moved on to the next person. The others did take longer but really, I get feedback from him everyday - and there is never a doubt that when something is not done properly, he will let me know. He has only sort of got on me for something 2x in the last five years so I guess he knows I strive to please. Next year I might just walk in there with all 5's just to see what he says!

But you know, striving to please others can also be detrimental. You can get so wrapped up in keeping the peace that the important facets of a situation can get lost. Another recent difficult situation that I have been tackling logically (and spiritually) just won't resolve and has continued to escalate. I have been praying to God to help me stop trying to control the situation and find a solution that will work.

I have been beating myself up personally over this. I told Dave yesterday that I better give myself a "2" on problem solving because I cannot get this put to rest! But, he reminded me that people are people and we can only do so much ourselves and that God will get us through it. He's so smart =)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Challenges of the decade

I was given two of the most challenging assignments in my career in one afternoon.

The first is a new project to manage - just a different type which I am actually excited about.

The second is that I have to review myself. This isn't a self-evaluation where I give my own thoughts on what I do well and where I need improvement to impress my manager - that's a separate document. This is for my annual review (raise...) that has to be from the perspective of my manager and will be put in my permanent file.

How do you do something like this objectively? Is this a test of my character? I don't want to pump myself up too much but I also don't want to dull it down too much. My boss just says: "Give yourself a good review." The questions are like this: degree of accuracy, thoroughness - ability to resolve issues and make appropriate decisions - ability to work/cooperate with others. I believe that I am adequate in these areas but am I a "3" (meets expectations) or am I a "4" (meets expectations and often goes beyond expectations)?? If I put a 4, is that an ego call? If I put a 3 am I not giving myself enough credit? I always try to go beyond but... what a conundrum!

Dave said I should just put all as a "5" (Outstanding), the highest ranking, and be done with it... Of course, although he is my biggest supporter, he has to say that =) And, I appreciate it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To All Who Helped...

I hope that I found you and thanked you personally but in case I missed someone during the hectic rush Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning -

Thank you so much for all the work you did at our Christmas Workshop! Karen, Susan, Sarah, Christine, Diana, Lynn, Erin, Dave, Jared - you are all so superb-fantastic. I am in awe.

I worried that no one would show-up but right at 4:00, families came bursting through the doors, ready for some fun. And I really believe they had fun! The kids were smiling, covering the tables with glue and stickers, and begging to play the tossing games just "one more time." Even the Build A Snowman turned out to be a fun and interesting activity for them (I was unsure if it would even work...)

We reached out to the community and they responded. Now we just need to grow bigger arms!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bedbugs...ewwwww but cool

I learned something new today - an Orkin guy in my office building gave me the 411 on bedbugs. Yep, it was an "ewwww" and "cool" session!

I asked about the infestation reported on the news and he did confirm that Cincinnati is full of the little critters - the news reports aren't lying! He showed me a live adult bug (in a sealed vial) and I spent some time looking at it. If you can imagine a flat tick, that's what it looked like. Apparently they only turn brown after feeding...the ewwww part. But, they are quite the clever little thing, flattening themselves to fit even in seams of quilting.

The cool part is that because the infestation is so bad in Cincinnati, they are giving him a dog that can find bedbugs. That is fascinating to me. How can a dog sniff out a bedbug?

After talking I have to admit that I had the "heeby geebies" and was itching here and there. And, I am going home tonight and checking the spots where he said they like to hide. I have no reason to suspect that we have them but I just want to be sure. Paranoid.

One word of advice - these pests don't just hang out in the "bad" homes! Anybody can get them from anywhere! (hospitals, doctor's offices, office bldgs) He mentioned that when people get together for the holidays, they come to your house and take their coats off...and lay the coats on your bed. Tonight I am also buying a coat tree.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tree Angels

We have a Salvation Army Angel Tree at work. We put tags on it of children in need and then employees choose an "angel" and donate a gift to that child. The true angels are the people who choose a tag. I have been checking on the tags to make sure they are all chosen and they have been!

Today, our tree is bursting with donated/requested gifts. I can't tell you how emotional it made me to see such an abundance of giving. There is everything from clothes to playsets to books and even bicycles! I am sure that my family is not the only one struggling with buying Christmas gifts this year but somehow, these people found a way to provide another's child with gifts. This is the first year that all the tags were taken from the tree.

We put up three angel trees in Cincinnati and all three have been emptied of tags and filled with joy. Blessings are everywhere!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Parenting 102: Hindsight 20/20

Don't you wish kids came with an instruction booklet? There's nothing more difficult then trying to decide the best path to take when it comes to your kids. There are just too many scenarios to mention!

My parents stunk (stink) at being parents. They had so much animosity between them that everything had to be a battle and blame-fest. You can imagine... Good things were taken credit for by both, not-so-good things blamed on the other. As an adult, I realized that my parents expected me to handle situations like an adult when I was still a kid. This has been one of the biggest influences for me with my kids. When we have a difficult situation, whether it is something they are going through personally or something we are dealing with as a divorced-parents family, I have weighed carefully their age and maturity in any decision-making. I would not expect them, even as teenagers, to make an adult decision by themselves.

Your kids need you at every age (even as adults!) When they are small, they need us to set their boundaries. When they are teenagers, they need us to set their boundaries. I think the hardest part about when they are older is that you can't just reach over and pick them up and out of the mud puddle -- You have to let them wade over to you first...otherwise you end up in the puddle too =)

If only we had an instruction booklet..but where's the fun in that?

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Over the years, we all develop traditions and it can be fun! Erin and I sort of started one last year by going out together on "Black Friday."
This year we went out but not really early. Funniest thing is that although we walked the entire store, we bought groceries and only one gift and it was very random and not on sale. This happened though...while we weren't looking, someone took it out of our cart! This was a small item and there plenty of them on the shelf and not something in high demand. I guess someone thought it might have been the last one. I hope they enjoy it. In the meantime, we just went back and got another one off the shelf =)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Home for the holidays

When all three of my kids are home at the same time, I get excited! Yes, they disagree and argue but for the most part, we have a good time. This Thanksgiving we were planning on not being all together as one of my sons was going to go with his father out of town. I was so happy when he called this morning from our house to tell me that he changed his mind at the last minute! He will probably get bored before the week is up but for now I will just revel in the fact that they are all home for the holiday. When they are all married with their own families I will probably be that type of mother who uses guilt to get them all to my house for a holiday. =)

Now, if I can just get them all to church with me on Sunday... I guess it is time to remember that it's not my battle and that God has his own time table. I will just keep doing what I am supposed to do and let Him handle the rest.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Finding time to think

Sometimes finding a quiet moment to put your thoughts together can be a challenge. You can plan for it but let's face it, the best laid plans in our hectic lives don't always materialize. An alternative? The shower! But be careful, thinking too much in the shower can lead to using your facial wash as shampoo...

Monday, November 17, 2008

What Owns You?

Not long ago, Dave, Erin, and I visited with John's small group and the discussion was really incredible: We talked about what "owns" us. Everyone had areas to work on, things they were struggling with, from money to our jobs, to our families.

Erin commented that the "barn" owned her, which was her part-time pay/full-time-work job. After events of the last couple of weeks, Erin no longer works at the "barn." She worked in order to lease a horse and have riding lessons but circumstances had gotten out of control and there was no other choice but for her to resign.

Dave and I want her to continue to ride but we don't have the means right now to buy a horse (serious $$$$) so we turned it over to God - if she is meant to ride, God will provide. He did. =)

So, Erin is no longer owned by the Barn! And she still gets to care for, ride, and show a horse. God is awesome and He proves it every day. If we are willing to do the work, He is willing to provide.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Can I sit by your wife?

Anyone guess who asked Dave this last evening?

Cracked me up when Dave told me on the way home. Of course, his answer, "Yes, I guess I will let you do that." (hint - he's under 10 years of

Thursday, November 13, 2008

When it sticks

As parents of (many) teenagers, we often wonder how much of our advice travels off into the great space beyond and how much is taken seriously. It is a great part of growing up - learning to decide what to do and who to listen to - making good decisions in general.

It feels like such a great accomplishment when your advice is taken and it works out great! It is even greater to know that even without your advice, your teen is making good decisions and showing integrity - even to other adults.

I have found that in most children events, whether it is sports or another type of club, that when trouble rises, it really isn't the kids - look closely - it's the adults. If the kids are involved in the conflict, they are just following the pattern of the adults.

Our daughter is an amazing person. She has been having to deal with things beyond her age and has really come out better and stronger for the way she has handled the situations. It was one of those times when as a mom, I wanted to get into the middle of it and defend her to the end because the other so-called "adults" were being absolutely ridiculous and soooo childish! However, she asked us to not interfere so Dave and I took the stance of supporting her while she made decisions, only giving her the advice to "rise above" the situation - be the one who behaves in the most profound way. And she did.

She came home last evening with a smile and said to us "you'd be proud of me." (of course...duh) She did not run away and hide from adversity but stood tall and proud of herself and faced it and finally, things are calming down for her in that respect. It took a teenager for the adults to behave appropriately. She behaved more maturely than any of the adults involved. She is amazing. She is smiling more now too =)

From even during my own teen years, there were those girls whose only goal was to see how many boys they could get to like them or how many parties they could attend, etc. Their self-image was so low that they needed the attention of as many as possible to carry them. Unfortunately, the parents were of the same mold..."the boys all like my daughter so that makes me popular too." That mostly led to other bad behaviors for the girls - drinking, partying, and unfortunately (even with my own niece), an unplanned teenage pregnancy. These girls were all searching for something - someone to make them feel important and loved. God was there but they just weren't looking for him yet.

Our daughter is not perfect - she is still a teenager. But, we are proud to say that our daughter is comfortable in her own shoes. She knows who she is and what she wants and she, for the most part, understands the consequences of decisions before we even say anything and even if we don't necessarily agree. She is determined (and somewhat stubborn...) Just when we begin to worry, she proves that her decisions have been well thought out and that we didn't have to worry so much. She doesn't compromise herself for anyone.

She is a teenager so we are still protective and still give the advice. It is just nice to know that some of it does stick.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The First Run

The new check-in system went well this Sunday. I think we will have to come up with something to accomodate the two classrooms being on opposite sides of the building but that will be a small hurdle to face. All in all, it was good. When we have new families in church, we will be able to give them confidence in the safety and security of their children. Providing a safe environment will remain a top priority.

We will also continue to focus on keeping the children excited about Jesus! (And they are excited!) The older kids are bringing their Bibles now and literally jumping out of their chairs with their hands in the air to ask for a chance to read a verse or two. Of course, our "Bible All Stars" reward system may have a little to do with that... But, for the most part, they just want to participate.

This week we discussed things we were thankful for and the answers they had were amazing. Everything from turkey sandwiches to God! We have started a paper chain with things we are thankful for written on it. Check it out next time you are at church.

Next week we will continue to discuss thankfulness and create some outreach items for somewhere local. We'll have a little artwork and other items to share.

Have I ever mentioned how great these kids are? =)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Children's Ministry Precautions

First, thank you to everyone for all you do in the Children's Ministry Department. You are helping provide a positive experience for all of the children at Center Pointe. Our goal is to make sure all the kids know the awesome'ness of Christ and get them excited about it! From the smallest to the biggest, we are providing activities and messages with this in mind.

As we continute to grow, one of our most important roles when serving in the Children's Ministry is keeping the children SAFE! While we can control a lot of what goes on once the door has closed, its the outside that raises more concern. What we have been trying to do is keep the kids inside until the parent picks them up but when you have new famiies, not everyone knows everyone else. We want everyone to be comfortable with leaving their children in our care.

First, we would love to have more volunteers to work with the children on a rotation. How can you be volunteer? Glad you asked!!!

The first step is to let Pastor Ray or me know that you are insterested in being a volunteer. Easy enough =)

Once you have made that decision, you will have an interview with Pastor Ray and a background screening. The only steps left are finding out what area you are most interested in and then placing you on the rotation.

This Sunday, November 9, 2008, we will begin to check-in and check-out the children as they enter the children's ministry area. When children arrive, they can go immediately into the children's services area for their own worship service but there will be someone posted to sign them in. What this means is that the parent or custodian of each child will bring them to the check-in table where they will receive stickers that have a number on them. The sticker will be placed on the child and then the parents will receive a matching number sticker.

This number will serve two purposes: 1. When service is over, parents can pick up their children based on the number system. This way each child goes to the appropriate person and we know that they are out of our care and safely into the care of their parents/custodians. 2. If we need the parent during service for any reason - diaper changes, etc., we will flash that number during service on the screen so that the parent knows they are needed.

IMPORTANT: Once the child enters the children's services area, they do not leave until they are checked-out by the same person who checked them in. (We will have assistants available in the ministry for necessary bathroom trips, etc.)

Also, I know that fellowship is a very important part of being in a church family - but it would be nice for the children's ministry volunteers if the parents/guardians could pick up their children promptly after service. The kids get restless knowing that service is over and the volunteers would also like time to fellowship.

In a nutshell: Keeping children safe requires us to take precautions.
**First, children are checked-in with the children's ministry volunteers and can only leave if they are appropriately checked-out.
**Second, only those who have been through the screening process can participate in the classrooms with the children's ministry. Random entry is discouraged because it causes an interruption in momentum and sometimes opens an escape route for the children. These kids are fantastic! But they are keep in mind that they can lose focus quickly and that they are quite clever!

Thank you again for all you do. You are all awesome!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting to know you

It was a classic V-8 Moment. We all have those moments when an idea or thought hits you and you smack yourself on the forehead. (Hopefully others aren't doing that to you. If they are, sorry, can't help there...)

I had one of those moments yesterday. I was visiting with a church family member who is in the hospital and realized that I have never taken the time to get to know her. I've seen her at church and even outside of church but shame on me for not taking the time to really find out who she is and what she's about! As I was sitting there talking with her about the weather and kids and television shows, I wanted to smack myself right in the forehead but she probably would have not wanted to get to know me better then.. =)

Sunday mornings are hectic - I am so busy trying to get ready for service and all that I don't have the brain space a lot of times to process much more. But that is no excuse really. For me, it's going to start being about others who are coming in and maybe needing someone there to listen or to hug or to just say Hi. Got to turn off the chatter inside and open my eyes a little more.

What a shame it would be to miss out on an opportunity to know you better.

Friday, October 24, 2008


We have been a little worried about heating our house because we use propane and the price is still high. We finally gained the courage to check our tank, expecting to see it on 2%. We were so amazed!! We haven't had a delivery since last spring but the tank is at 32%! We use propane for hot water too so between water and heat... We both thanked God for taking care of us. Now when we buy propane, it will fill the tank up and get us through a good portion of the Winter. Another reminder of how blessed we are.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It is said that that grooming is an important part of social order...
I am not sure...need to ask Dan and Jared. =)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I like stuff. Not so much clothing (although Dave thinks I have too many shoes), but new technology excites me whether its something at home or work. If it has any type of "coolness" factor, I want in on it!

Over the past week I have had a few conversations about this topic and more importantly how the Bible shows us how to overcome the overpowering need to have more and more stuff. Wow, Ecclesiastics is powerful!!

I think the biggest hurdle for me was exactly as John the "Strimple Man" put it last night - being satisfied. When does the 27" television need to become the 52" HDTV? When does a 46' yacht need to become a 60' yacht? Don't misunderstand, if someone has the ability to purchase these items, then more power to them. But should we go in debt for them? Does it always have to be the biggest and best? Can we deal with moderate? Don't look around for the answer! The t.v. commercials are already pushing the "latest" gears and gadgets for the upcoming holiday season, making all parents feel guilty if they don't buy their kids the newest things. Look to the Bible to see...

I may have shared with some the story of our friends who are fortunate when it comes to business and earnings. They live very well and I don't fault them for that at all. They are genuinely great and giving Christians who share their wealth. However, their children were given all the newest and greatest things - computers, Ipods, 4-wheelers, dirtbikes, guitars, etc, . Recently one of their children fell into the wrong "tribe" and ended up spiraling out of control to the point that his parents enrolled him in a private Christian-based "military" school. This was the most difficult thing they had ever done but it was the right thing. The mother told me that she realized that they were loving their son literally to death. They were giving him so much, maybe to compensate for their own poor childhoods, that he and they had lost sight of any boundaries. Their insatiable need to provide and his insatiable need to have more and more almost ruined their lives. Neither could be satisfied. Through God, they were able to realize that something drastic had to happen. Last word we had was that he was doing awesome. They have all made it through the first part but they were told that this is the honeymoon stage so they should be prepared for some difficult times.

This could happen to anyone! This boy was the sweetest kid - we enjoyed the time he spent with our family. Pleasant kid with a smile that made you smile back. Keep them in your prayers.

Over the past few years I have been able to be more patient about new stuff (somewhat...) I think that through a combination of God, love from others, and age, I have learned to be more patient and most importantly to appreciate "stuff" for what it is: just stuff. It's fun but it's just stuff.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kids getting into it!

The kids this week were making Get Well cards for Joan during the last part of class. They were really into it! Check out the art work! Notice the angel wings on the kangaroo and lion.

Sorry, they are not for sale...


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sleeping in

It seems our days of sleeping in ended with our vacation. Just a few years ago, we used that as an excuse for not making it to church every Sunday..."I never get to sleep late..." Anyways -- my new responsibilities dictated that we even get up earlier the last two weeks and then there is Dusty's needs on the weekends, and then a wedding today. So, no sleeping late for over two weeks.

Today we attended Dave's nephew's wedding which took place at the Renaissance Festival. I have to admit that I thought it was going to be corny, BUT it was actually very nice. I would not have wanted to get married in that type of setting but for them, it worked well. And, the festival was fun too! We watched jousting and some other small performances. If it hadn't been so hot, we would have stayed even longer but the sun was cooking us (yeah, we know...wimps) plus Erin needed to get back so she could get ready for the homecoming dance. We never thought it would be worth the money, $20 per adult, to go but it is. Just plan ahead for the show times - it's fun. We were lucky to have free admission for the day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bring on the rain!

Seriously, bring on the rain! Our well has been dry for weeks. We have had our third water delivery and I hope its the last.

This week has been great so far! I have to admit that my energy level is still not up to where I want it to be (falling asleep by 9:30 every night - how sad is that?) but my attitude has definitely improved. As soon as I shake this congestion, I know my energy will increase.

Has anyone else been receiving strange comments on their blog? I have mine setup so that I have to approve any that come through and I had a strange one last week. I let it go past but now i am wondering what's up. I read a very weird comment on another blog - very strange.

We're going to have another children's ministry meeting - probably the 19th, right after service. There are a lot of cool things coming up so let's get ready to rock!

If you have considered volunteering on the children's ministry team, come to our meeting and see what's what and who's who. Being involved doesn't always mean spending time in a classroom. There are so many opportunities available!!! Decorating, planning, snacks, outreach, parties, etc.

From the beginning I have said that this is a gift-based ministry. If your gift is coming up with ideas, then there is room for you on the team. If your gift is patience with children, then you are needed. If your gift is baking wonderful treats (hint hint Missy...), then join us! Our children are already wonderful disciples of Christ. They only need guidance, encouragement, and love to keep them going forward. Our group is growing every week - isn't it great?

By the way, in case I haven't said this lately -- THANK YOU!!! To everyone that has given time, energy, food, and supplies. Thank You Thank You Thank You

Sunday, October 5, 2008

a new week

I have been telling everyone that this week is going to be grand. Over the last three weeks we have had one week of no electric, no water. One week of vacation (extremely fun but extremely tiring.) One week of recuperating from vacation, battling a sinus infection, little sleep, and beginning a new position at work while hosting sales training for 12 out-of-town guests. This coming week is going to be the start of a new era - new organization - new found energy!! I am gearing-up with nothing but positive thoughts and ideas!

When I returned from vacation, I knew that it was going to be hectic at work. I was officially starting a new position (definitely good), and would be moved to another area. Unfortunately, my furniture was delayed so when I came back ready to go, I really had no place to go. My old location had been filled by a new hire and my new office space was empty except for a phone and phonebook on the floor. I did find my new laptop and I was able to get help with a makeshift table and chair so all was good. Of course, I didn't have any of my "stuff" so there were roadblocks everywhere I turned. I needed to print something quickly - had to map the network drive and the printer. I needed to work with an old document - was on CD somewhere in one of those boxes behind me. It all worked out though and the few small things are definitely worth the change.

Have you seen the children we have in our church? They are simply amazing. They are all such great kids with such great energy. Exuberant. The biggest challenge is keeping ahead of them in thought. Before I even finish a question, someone is ready to answer. I hate to reel them back in when they get excited like that but to keep it fun and half-way organized, sometimes it has to be done. One word we talk about a lot is "Cooperation." lol It works...most of the time =) Kudos to all of them for coming to church and for participating in such a great way.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Still Cruisin'

Day 4: Pushing Past the Boundaries
We arrived in Rhoatan Isle, Honduras this morning. A little bit of trivia: This is one of the islands used on the show Survivor.

This island is a lot different from Cozumel – more natural and rugged. But also more beautiful. We traveled to Tabyana Beach, resort-type area. This so far is the highlight of my week. The water was so incredible. Crystal clear. The coolest thing about this island is it has a HUGE coral reef – something like one of the top in the world. For the first time ever, I went snorkeling. I have a small fear of being under water. I can swim and enjoy the pool, but looking out into the ocean with only a mask, flippers and breathing tube is intimidating! The experience though was the most incredible thing I have done when it comes to adventures. If you have even been to an aquarium and witnessed divers down in the water with the fish – that’s what it was like! I did not go deep but thousands of tropical fish surrounded me, all swimming around and around. It was like being in a 3-D movie. After an hour, I had the hang of using the equipment and felt like a pro. The coral was simply unbelievable. “Senor Moustache” had trouble getting the mask to seal around his moustache so he hung out in the water and on shore.

When we returned to the main pier area, we went into “town” to check out the shops. Once again, we were told to not make eye contact with anyone. Unfortunately, this island is also poverty-stricken and tourists are a huge target. I never felt unsafe but we did have lots of children following us and asking for money or trying to sell us something. I kept my bag close to my body. I was told that some of the people are really clever when it comes to lifting items off of tourists. Also unfortunately, a local “dude” started talking to Dave and would not leave! He followed us, talking the whole way, all the way down through the shops. Pointing out certain areas and shops. We had our own personal annoying tour guide. We never once looked at him but he just stayed right there. Finally, after an hour, Dave handed him a dollar and he took it and left! If only we had tried that in the beginning. Oh yeah, it was blistering HOT!

This island was very interesting. There were mountainous areas, beautiful beaches, and fancy homes as well as families with only one-room huts. We saw a Baptist church, a 7th Day Adventist church and one other – not sure what denomination. I would definitely come back here.

Day 5: Terrifying and Tragedy
Today was a tragic day. We arrived in the country of Belize this morning looking forward to a day of cave tubing and trekking through the rain forest. It had been raining in Belize so there was question about whether we could go cave tubing or not as the water level was high and the current was strong. They should have said no. I consider myself fairly brave when it comes to trying new things. Kind of like the feeling you get from riding a roller coaster. You know its going to be a little scary but that’s the thrill of it, right? My gut feeling was to just tell them I would meet them back at the start. The river was so strong – we had to pull ourselves across one point by holding onto a rope. I had to have help as I lost my footing from the current. I was terrified but second-guessed myself owing it all to being something new. When we arrived at the cave entrance, the guide was consistently telling us to stay to either the left or the right at certain points. Once we were in the water, we realized that there was absolutely no way we could control the inner tubes. Dave and I were locked together but no matter how hard we tried, the current was banging us into the walls of the cave. There was no way to control it. The rest of our group was having the same problems. They were kind of like me tho, thought that this was probably just the thrill of the ride. However, we had to be helped when it came to avoiding areas, others had to be pulled away from rocks that were pulling them under, and generally, everyone was panicking. By the time we arrived at the first checkpoint where we had to exit the water temporarily, I was in tears. Dave did his best to calm me down but I didn’t think I could get back in the water. We were coming up on a point where we had to stay to the left and I knew there was no way I could do it. I still thought maybe I was overreacting, but realized that I wasn’t the only one. We got back in and made it to the end in one piece. What was supposed to be a 40 minute lazy river cave exploration ended up being a 10 minute hang-on-for-your-life panic ride. I really was terrified.

The tragedy came with the next group. When we arrived back at the excursion start, we were served lunch and were waiting on the other groups to return. Since we were delayed in leaving for the trip due to the uncertainty of the water, other groups had caught up with us – there were about 5 buses behind us. We had finished eating lunch and were just hanging out but nobody else ever showed up. It was time for us to leave and still no other groups were arriving. When we were crossing the river, the other groups were right behind us and as fast as that river was rolling, something was wrong. We found out after we had returned to the ship, that the second group had run into tragedy. One of the group members was pulled under in the current and had drowned. A mother in her mid 40’s died on what was supposed to be a simple and low-key trip. Others that we have met during our trip stopped us and were obviously still in shock. Two young ladies had been stranded on a rock inside the cave because the current took their tubes, dumping them. Another man was trying to hold onto a rock but was being pulled under until another two men helped him. Unbelievable.

The cruise line asked for our statements regarding the trip and refunded everyone’s money. They also brought on counselors to help those who witnessed the tragedy. Small condolence for losing a life but they did what they could. Ultimately, it was the tubing company’s responsibility for making a bad decision to go ahead with the trip despite the warnings from the rangers. We were lucky to only have bruises and scrapes from the walls of the caves.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cruisin' Diary

(Docked in Cozumel)

Day 1 – “It’s a small world after all”
Two reasons: First, whenever you take a flight to Orlando, be prepared for a flight full of children ages two and under all gearing up to meet the one and only Mickey Mouse. Well, not all of them were excited about meeting Mickey. Matter of fact, the little blonde haired girl sitting in front of us proclaimed loudly that she did not want to see Mickey – she wanted to go home—NOW! They tried crackers, stories, soothing tones – nope, no good.

Secondly, while we are waiting to board the flight, I saw my cousin standing in the same terminal. I rarely see him, maybe twice in the last three years. I asked him if he was flying on business (he was standing there alone) and he replied that his wife and daughter were in the bathroom and they were all flying to …. Yep, you guessed it! M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E.

I have to say I was disappointed that nobody started singing the theme song. Maybe on the way home they will sing it.

Day 2: The Most Supercharged Maitre D
The food is incredible! Everywhere we go there is something to eat. Hamburgers, pizza, ice cream, etc. And that doesn’t include what’s on the dinner menu in the main dining room! The dining room not only has incredible food but incredible service. Our SuperCharged Maitre D, Joseph, is fan-tabulous!

Today, we did the unthinkable! The most outrageous! We took three naps! Yes, three naps! How crazy are we? Let me tell you that it was way cool. We were able to stay up for some comedy and midnight snacking.

Day 3: Senor Moustache
Today we docked at Cozumel for a day’s visit. We booked a horseback ride but had some time to kill before it started so we went to look around in some of the shops. One of the merchants was trying to get Dave’s attention – he hollered out: “SENOR MOUSTACHE!” We were warned to not make eye contact because then the sellers will not leave you alone. How can you not turn around at something like that?

The horseback riding was a lot of fun. The guide was hilarious and the horses were great. We were allowed to gallop so we both took advantage of it. Wow, I can’t tell you how incredible it felt. The only downside was that our sunblock had started wearing off so we both got too much sun. Dave’s poor legs!

We wanted to try some authentic Mexican food so we stopped at a restaurant that was open to the outside and the ocean. At the neighboring table was a fellow who was an entertainer on a different cruise ship docked a little bit further south than us. Great conversation and delicious food After dinner we took a horse and cart ride back to our piers. We are exhausted!

One thing that has really been something for us is that we have met so many Christians!! Couples who kids are on mission trips, others who shared a story that is similar to ours – the rebuilding. Many folks who are willing to just open up and share the Lord with us. Even our tour guide who was a little bit on the ornery side, ended the excursion by saying “God Bless you all! God Bless!

Friday, September 19, 2008

We're Back in Business

Finally, our electric came back on last evening. It's funny how excited we got over a flick of a switch!

As hard of time as we have been giving Duke Energy, let me share something with you. Our daughter, as most know, rides and shows horses. During the power outtage, she has been spending extra time riding. When the Duke techs finished repairing our lines, they took the time to go to the barn and let the girls riding know that the electric would be coming back on and it may cause the sound of shotgun on the pole when it does. They were concerned that the horses would react to the sound and were giving them a heads-up. How cool is that? Kudos to those two guys.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thank goodness for laptops and IPods!

Yep, we're still without electric. For the last two nights we have been snuggled around the laptop watching a movie. Dave's sister has been so gracious to us - using her shower, washer/dryer - and last night she fixed us dinner. You don't realize how great Stove Top stuffing tastes until you have had to eat out for four days straight! She hsa been a gem. The best part is that we do not hang out with her and her family often so we have had the chance this week to realize how much we have all missed. With our busy "television" schedules every evening (lol) we haven't taken the time to just sit and talk with them. It's been great reconnecting and catching up. We all talk often about improving our relationships with others - how ironic that it took a hurricane for us to do this with our own family.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Still Without

We are still without power and getting a little frustrated. Showers at other homes, meals either by candelight or out somewhere. It is a little sad when you are anxious to get to work so you can do something! Hopefully, today is the day. =)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Getting by

We are still without electric but as you can tell - we are surviving!! Thank you to everyone who has offered to help, that really means a lot!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Us too

Like many in the Ohio Valley, we are without electric. It's difficult to be without it when it comes to food because we rely so heavily upon things we can keep cold or microwave. But, the worst we'll ever be is okay and we are. I was looking forward to sitting around in the dark and having a good conversation and some laughs with my family - they just wanted to go to bed! So, I turned on my Ipod and watched the only movie I have on it. In the dark. Just me and the dog. Lucky for me that he at least enjoys my company. (just kidding fam...)

I was able to go to work today because we have a generator that will maintain all of our network connections for all of Belcan. Otherwise, our entire company would be down which isn't exactly cost effective =) I was told that other companies (eg GE) were turning away people at the guard shack.

Our small group meeting last night was most excellent. We didn't need electric to discuss Jesus and the Bible! And we even got to have a snack while everyone sang Happy Birthday to Dave. He turned up his hearing aids just for the occasion. (I'll pay for that comment later...)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Serving as a Journey

I had some trouble sleeping last night so I spent the time reflecting and praying. Like a lightbulb turning on, it came to me that serving for me has not been just a thing to do - for me it has been a journey. When I took that first step out to serve in the children's ministry, it was a little scary. Okay, not a little scary, a LOT scary. I had so many questions - what to do when and how. (still asking those...) But it was the first step in leading - stepping up and stepping out.

It still is scary at times but I know that with each step I have taken, I have grown. I am learning to deal with different situations: When and how to talk and when and how to just listen; When to stand firm and when to bend; When to ask for help and when to believe in myself to just do it. When to offer suggestions and when to be accepting. To sum it all up - learning how to discern (from Pastor Ray's Leadership entries!) But, I am learning and I am growing. It's journey.

Center Pointe's volunteer banquet was fantastic. I didn't sit there thinking of myself as a volunteer but as the one who is thankful for the volunteers around me. I could never do what I need to do without everyone. I am so thankful for everyone - you are all wonderful and fabulous and great and awesome and tremendous and beautiful. You are all beautiful.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Childrens' rooms coming along!

Thanks to the work of many, the childrens' rooms are coming together nicely! The room for 0 - 3 (forever known now as the "green" room), looks great! Missy, Trish, and I "observed" the room for a few hours last night and have some ideas to really brighten it up even more. We moved in furniture to give it that lived-in look and it works well. We will be at the church on Saturday morning to plow away at the other room - if anyone wants to join us, just give me a call or shoot me an email for time, etc.

We were a little late arriving at the church last evening due to attending a funeral for Dave's cousin's son, Clayton - he was three years old. He had a rare illness. I had never experienced a child's services so I wasn't sure what to expect. As heartbreaking as it was to attend a funeral for a child, it was an endearing setup. There were posters full of pictures and other memory tokens as well as a camcorder with a video playing of the little guy - people were smiling and laughing at his beautiful little face while their tears streamed. Very sad to have lost his life so young but how glorious that he now has no suffering or pain and is in heaven with the Lord! He touched many lives, of course, and none will be the same. Please pray for Clayton's family. They are hurting and will need plenty of support while they heal. Here is his obituary.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


John 20: 24-31
24 Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." 26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" 27 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." 28 Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!" 29 Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." 30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may[a] believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Can we have faith without first having experienced doubt? Do we always need that "proof" to solidify our faith? I don't have an answer - this is a personal discovery, unique to each of us. Food for thought.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The default location

I heard part of a speech this morning on the radio from Pastor Greg Laurie who, even though he had lost his son two weeks prior in an auto accident, found the courage to speak at a large convention in southern California.

He said that many people think of heaven as the "default" location for after we die. However, he continued, it is not the "default" location, it is a choice.

Profound choice of words - What a great way to put it.

Here is an article about this speech, although it does not quote this part of it, it is still worthy of reading. Greg Laurie Speech

Monday, August 18, 2008

Small size - big Heart

If anyone reads the local news, you may have seen this story. If not, please take a moment to go here and check it out.

We talked in our small group about doing more for others. This seven year old not only talked about it, she "did."

Friday, August 15, 2008

I didn't know that!

I am offering a challenge to everyone who reads this:

Tell me one thing that nobody (or hardly anyone) knows about you!

You can keep it as light as you want or if you would like to use this space to go deep, it's your decision. I would like to post your comments but please let me know if you don't want your comment published.

I will start:

* If I wake up thirsty in the middle of the night, nothing is more satisfying than drinking straight out of the milk jug! (sorry family...)

Can't we all just get along?

This week has been full of conflict. We have the presidential nominees throwing "he did this" but "he did that" all over the television and radio. We have the Olympics, which should provide some kind of unity among the nations -but instead leads to accusations of cheating. I am not saying it doesn't happen - we all know it does - but why does it have to happen? Can't we all just get along? (I have never read anything so sad as the article about the little girl in China who was deemed as "not cute enough" to sing the opening ceremony song. Come on! I saw the picture, she was adorable, what seven year old girl isn't?)

Then we have conflict at our home. But how do you explain to a teenager gowing into the world how to handle conflict when its not the kids she has to be wary of...that unfortunately, its adults! Shouldn't the adults be more capable of resolving their issues, understanding their own struggles? So-and-so #1 is being nice to her so she returns the kindness and they become friends. Uhoh, so-and-so #2 doesn't like so-and-so #1, so our daughter becomes a target for smack-talk. What does the parent do? For me, I try to be Switzerland! Let me talk to them and see what's going on and maybe with some kinds words and explanations, we can solve this quickly. That's the trick, right? I couldn't have been more wrong. Can you say "backfired?"

So, referring back to my previous blog, I prayed for God to help us find an answer. You know what he told me to do? Let it go. Guess what I did? I let it go. I talked to our daughter and told her the same thing. "This is going to pass so call up so-and-so #2's kid and just talk to her as you normally would - don't mention anything that has been going on. Let it go." Guess what worked? She called and the first two times it was awkward due to the adult who answered, but she made it through the second time and things are good. I hope that by taking that second deep breath that our daughter not only learned about humility herself but that she also taught others the same. It takes a big person to do what she did and I can't tell you how proud I am of her. She was hurt but found the courage through prayer to face the issue and deal with it. Girl, we love you --you rock!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Letting go

Philipians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This past week has been a roller coaster ride. Up and roaring one day and down in the valley the next, wondering how to get out of there. One of the biggest problems I face in my daily walk is stopping this urge I have in trying to control a situation without praying about it first (I lost sight of my tree...Thanks to Melissa B. for reminding me =) ) Since I let it all go and prayed, the situations have all calmed down and I feel more at ease today. It is just amazing that solutions become clearer once I stop trying to take control. I always tell my family - I'll figure it out, that's my job. Little do they know that for the past few years, my "figuring" it out has meant going to God in prayer. First, I thank him for each and every struggle I have because these have only made me stronger in faith and then I ask him for even more strength for current situations. It just blows me away when the more I let go, the faster a resolution comes. I just have to keep reminding myself - make it an absolute/no excuses habit - pray first and let God take the wheel.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Do you have a tree?

I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job (a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to start,) I drove him home. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.

When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation... His face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.

Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.

'Oh, that's my trouble tree,' he replied.' I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong in the house with my
wife and the children... So every niight I stop by my "trouble tree," thank God for everything and then I just hang those troubles up on the tree and ask God to take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again. Funny thing is,' he smiled,'when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.'

Do you have a trouble "tree." Do you use it daily?
(Don't forget to first Thank God for everything!)

Sunday Switch-Up

Although I had thought it would be fun to have a Christmas celebration this week, at the last minute I switched-up and decided to make it a birthday party instead -- a half-birthday party for Jesus. We played birthday games such as pin the candle on the cake, hot potato and musical chairs to the tune of "There were Twelve Disciples." This song names the twelve disciples in rhyme and what better way to learn who the twelve disciples are? So, we played it over and over and over ... you can imagine - it is still stuck in my head! Great song to have there by the way. The party was great - the kids were spectacular! For the last three weeks it feels as if we have settled into a good groove. The kids know what to expect, I feel more comfortable - and the assistants have been providing such great care! That has been one of the keys to our success. Before, with such a wide variety of ages, the younger ones were restless and the older ones had questions. Combine those two things and it is a little chaotic. However, thanks to those who came to help, such as Lynn and Erin yesterday, the younger kids were completely entertained, allowing the older ones to have their time to listen and ask.
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and been there for us. Our team definitely needs you! If anyone else would like to be a part of the Children's Ministry Team, just give me a holler. We're working on developing the program even more - it's going to get more exciting each week.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


We have a common laugh (all in fun...)at work about a customer who uses the wrong words sometimes. One time she meant to say presentation but it came out "permeation" - we have no idea how the two are related! We now pass this word around the middle of conversations for a laugh or two. But, this word came to me the last two Sundays during worship service. The music was so incredible, I could feel it. I love our praise group - they are so awesome. The music is not only fantastic but it really PERMEATES! When you sing or even listen to them play, do you simply sing and listen or do you really open your heart and let yourself feel it? I close my eyes and sometimes stop singing so that I can just feel it. Now, I will clap along and get excited when Chris roars out "I am Free!" but when he croons something like "Cry Out to Jesus," I close my eyes, internalize the words and really physically and emotionally feel them. Most of the time I will stand there and cry, thinking about the blessings I have received. The music is powerful - given to us with full faith and dedication - a true devotion. Thank you to Center Pointe's most-terrific Praise Team for giving us the chance to really feel the music.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The word enable has a positive connotation - you make it possible for something to happen. But, more and more we hear the word used negatively, especially when it comes to parents and their kids.

I spent some time on the phone last night with a dear friend, someone who has the biggest heart that I know - cares for everyone and anyone in any time of need. I adore her and her family. And she always keeps her life on the path with Christ. She and her husband had to make a really tough decision and although I had heard a little about what they had been going through, as she told me, tears rolled down my face. It was a good decision, but so so tough. We talked about the situation and of course, as parents, how when something goes wrong with our kids, we first blame ourselves and I guess most try to do whatever they can to make it better. When they are little, it is easy to give a popsicle to your son or daughter to make them feel better after falling and scraping their knee. When they are teenagers though, when they run into trouble, that popsicle can easily turn into money, television, car, etc. You don't want to see them doing without, hurting, or upset. And here lies the difficulty - where do you draw the line? How much should do or not do? Where is the line between caring for them and "enabling" them on their downward spiral of destruction? It is so hard emotionally to see your child struggle but how much should you help? How much is too much? I don't know.

The easiest thing to do is sit back and watch someone else struggling and say that you would have done "this" or "that" and prevented the situation. It sure isn't that easy. "If they had only..." It just doesn't always work that way. Dave and I have had to deal with 5 teenagers, each with their own personalities and issues. Of course we love our children more than anything so the most difficult part has been knowing when enough is enough. How much do you give? Throughout our relationship, we have been overjoyed, proud, scared, angry, and really any other emotion you can think of. But even after all of these years of experience, we still don't have the answers and it is a daily struggle. Am I helping or enabling?

We have to remember that through it all, God is watching them. Prayer is the best method we have to protect them. When they are ready, He will be there.

We all want to see our kids smiling and thriving, no matter how old they are. But we have to let them struggle some, right? I guess everyone always want more and better for their kids. But sometimes, there just aren't enough popsicles.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Normalcy...sort of

The Fair has come and gone so my family can now get back to a little bit of normalcy...sort of. We are all still busy with different things but with the fair out of the way, the hype has died down some.

I have to brag "a little" on the kid =) She was awesome! Her horse was still feeling a little sore so Erin couldn't compete in the jumping classes but she shined in the rest. Take a look:

One of the downfalls of this year's fair is that I missed our wonderful VBS program. I didn't want to miss but for safety, I insist on being at all of Erin's shows. I witnessed two incidents this year that confirms my concern. Two different girls were hurt during the show and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. God was looking after these kids! One girl flipped over and over and twisted her neck but she had no injuries, just bumped and bruised. The other young girl's horse reared and then flipped and fell on her. That was terrifying and brought tears to my eyes! But, once again, no injuries! There is no doubt that God had his hand on both of these young riders, protecting them. Thankfully Erin's horse is fairly mild tempered so we don't worry too much about Erin getting thrown - but then again, these girls probably felt that same way.

We made it through safely and without any issues - unless you consider sunburnt lips an issue...I qualify for that =)

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I admit it - I am tired. Maybe on the verge of exhaustion -- but with a smile! Our block party has come and gone...and WOW! What a great day! Kids were everywhere eating, drinking, bouncing, tossing balls, and best of all - smiling and laughing. )and running on their tiptoes across the hot pavement if barefooted) It was hot but the community came and enjoyed. It was so amazing to look up and see new faces coming towards us and to be able to share our excitement and enthusiasm about Jesus with them.

We were a little disappointed that the dunking booth didn't appear after all the fun we had with the poll, but the disappointment was lessened when the hula dancers arrived! What fun! I am so impressed with the guys - they stepped up and learned to "hula hula" all the way to huka kuka. (pictures to come...) And they were pretty good!

Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone who braved the heat to help with festival. You were there and that made all the difference.

Now, we prepare for VBS which is going to be just as grand and just as much fun if not more! Wouldn't it be awesome to see the kids lined up all the way out the door waiting to register? The more kids we reach the more kids learn about the incredible power of the Lord.

Children's church was wonderful today, of course =) We talked about Jesus healing the blind man and then played a few games that included a blindfold. We had snacks (popcorn and goldfish - go figure) and during the whole time, the kids were absolutely great. Thank you to all the kids and to everyone that helped today! Keeping the noise down to a small roar is sometimes a challenge when our room is full but today it was seamless going from activity to activity. Kudos to you all!

Now, we also are preparing for a week at the fair. Soda is in place and the stall all decked-out. The horse show begins on Tuesday and lasts until Friday. Erin will be showing on Tuesday and Wednesday (all day) and then Thursday morning (if not all day again.) Friday is contesting day...barrel racing, flags, etc. I prefer she not participate in those as I have seen too many kids fall off during those events. It is scary enough at a slow pace - forget the racing! Pray for all the kids to be safe this week. Mix the heat with nerves in anticipation and it can be intense. Horses are very sensitive to the riders' emotions and undoubtedly, the riders are dealing with some anxiety.

It may seem a little early but I am tired and ready for bed. =)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pumped Up!

Dave just called and said..."Less than 24 hours now!" Oh, I know it! I am so excited but all of a sudden feeling a little overwhelmed. I have little cards to give out and other things but is it enough? Do we need...? Do we have...? I know that everything will be fine and everyone will have a wonderful time but that "perfectionist" in me rears sometimes making me feel like I should be doing more. It will pass =) This is the time when I realize that I need to have more faith. We've done the work! Now let's bring it all together.

Congratulations to Scott! I have been watching the poll today and it looks like you are the man! Now, who else? We'll see!

The missions group will be here and setting up for VBS on Sunday. Not sure what help they will need but knowing our group, they'll have more than they need. And more laughs and fun than anticipated.

Update on the horse: In the words of our daughter - She is fantastic! On top of tomorrow, we are also getting ready to spend many many hours at the fair next week. I make it sound like a chore because, well, it is. But it also entails funnel cakes, footlongs, caramel apples, and salt water taffy. Yummmm.

See you at the party!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Are you ready for the "surprise" I mentioned in an earlier post? Well, it's happen'n! (Hint...take a look at the picture.) Come 5:00 on Saturday and everyone will know!

Oh yeah, if you have some Island garb (shirt, grass skirt, etc.) wear it or bring it with you! Aloha!


Yesterday was a little rough. First, we were concerned about our daughter's horse, Soda - One week before the biggest show of the year (fair) and she was limping. Soda contracted a virus earlier this year, EPM, and unfortunately it is one of those that could have lasting effects which includes weaknesses in the nervous system - problems with coordination. The vet came to see her and the great news is that has a muscle strain in her shoulder which can be relieved through rest and medication - and she'll be fine by next week! Yeah! Erin (all of us) were so relieved. I think I am most proud of her for being so concerned about Soda's well being rather than the fair show. I said to her that I was glad she would get to show and she said..."I don't care, as long as she is okay."

Next, migraine hit me hard yesterday afternoon! I don't remember ever feeling so bad. Thank goodness Dave was there to assist or I don't think I would have made it home! A little bit better today...

If anyone would like to lend some support for Erin at the fair, she will be showing next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at the Clermont County Fairgrounds. The Junior Fair Horse show is so awesome - I had no idea until Erin was involved. I think because it is mostly during the daytime (although it extends into the evening hours as well) and is held towards the rear of the grounds that people don't realize it is there. It is a great show though so if you have time to watch, bring a chair and sit with us under our canopy. Expect about 100 kids with horses to enter the ring! have really gained some momentum! Wow! =-)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting Closer

Sunday was exciting and rowdy with the kids. We "rowed" our boat out into the sea, got hit with overwhelming waves and rain and wind - then were blessed with the ultimate protection of Jesus. There are some future oscar winners in this group! Kids were being thrown "overboard" and splashed with salty sea water. It was wonderful to see them getting into the story like that.

I think I have found a trend growing though -- as we are going through the lesson, the question keeps popping up of when they get to pick something from my "prize" box. This was something I started as a reward for the end of class and has been a big hit for remembering certain things from class - they whisper the answer to me and get to choose a small gift. I still make them wait until then end though. =)

Last night was amazing! We (Dave, Erin, and I) hung out at the Smith/Simpson small groups meeting. During and after church it usually a little more-than-hectic so to get to sit and talk with everyone was incredible. Scott and Diana - you guys ROCK for having all of us to your home. We had a great time and the kids had a great time. What a great group!

The festivities are getting closer! Are we getting the "word" out? Any spottings? We (Dave and I) tried yesterday while we were working with the Jr. Fair at the Clermont County Fairgrounds but everyone there had the same answer: We'll be here next Saturday... There's no reason they can't take a break and have a little bit of "free" fun though, right? We tried and we'll keep trying.

We (many others) have also placed announcements with KLove, 93.3,, wkrc, wlwt...hopefully it will show up on these places. If you see any, let me know. Signs will be ready soon to put near the intersection of S.R. 28. And, there are more flyers, posters available. Let me know if you want more and I will find a way to get them to you. The more people we reach, the more people we can get excited about Jesus!

Also, did you notice how close the votes for the dunking booth are getting? Guys, just think of it as the ultimate flattery! Chris stepped up during church service and agreed to take a turn. And Scott...he agreed to wear a pretty floral hawaiian bikini top - We have witnesses! (and we'll definitely have cameras) It is going to be great! Jeremy has promised to wear his best suit for the occasion - we didn't even have to pressure him! Pastor Ray - well, I think it is just expected now... =)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sign-ups for Saturday, July 19

It's time to ask...for volunteers! We will need people to oversee the events on Saturday. Here's a list of areas in which we need volunteers:
  • Bounce Houses (2)
  • Jousting
  • Dunking Booth (overseeing and sitting)
  • Duck Pond
  • Other Games (?)
  • Food Table (at least 2)
  • Craft Table (at least 2)
  • Fish Pond (got it covered!)

Please let me know if you can help in any of these events. It would be great if we could all switch-off and have times for the more the better!

I have put in a phone call for a "Surprise" event - details to come but it could be awesome!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Votes seem a little one- (or two) sided...

Of course, the nominees for the dunking booth are simply here for fun...but it may pursuade some of our finest to go for gold! No pressure guys...just because you might be disappointing your biggest fans...that's no reason to step up (or sit down...) Again, this is just for fun, no committments yet! I admit that I might be pursuaded, but I would need lots of encouragement ...and sunscreen. Anybody else? =)

Tonight the posters, flyers, and doorknockers will be ready to hand out to anyone who is willing to hang some up and around the neighborhoods. I will also have these available on Sunday morning so if you can't make it tonight, pick some up Sunday! The only extra work needed will be cutting out the doorknockers - I will be at the church tonight working on those as well.

I received pictures from another church that participated in the Outrigger Island VBS theme. So creative! Giant sand castles made of cardboard, palm trees and beach scenes. Of course, we won't have to worry so much about that as we are so fortunate to have the missions group taking care of the decorations as well as everything else for us. But if we want to decorate some for the Saturday fest, here is the website with ideas. Lifeway VBS Let me know if you see something you think is "do-able" and we can work together to make it happen!

So my car is finished - but we have no idea what went wrong. The mechanic called and left a message stating it is finished - nothing else. He didn't call to tell us what was wrong, how much, when it could be done, or how much. Since it was such a short period of time, I am really hoping that it was something small. Boy, am I hoping. We just had to have our other vehicle repaired so two within one month is a little bit of a strain. Ok, its a lot of strain!

Chris has inspired me to begin reading the Bible every day. (Yes, guilt works well on me.) I have made it to Kings in the past so that is where I will restart. Dave started his journey already so I will have to try to keep up with him.

Back to designing and printing posters and brainstorming for more ideas! Keep praying and thinking about all of our upcoming events and opportunities for Center Pointe. We have such a wonderful group of friends and family - you are all so awesome! Let's all work to get the people around us as excited as we are about the Lord!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

DoorKnocker Design

Print this on yellow paper and I think it will work!

Excitement is BUILDING!!

Even after yesterday's issues and little sleep, today I am re-energized and full of excitement! I am pumped-up for the Block Party and VBS! I love the theme - Outrigger Island. With such bright colors you just can't help but smile and feel the energy. (Although I think Jen was having a little bit too much fun with the paint last evening - wish we had pictures! hehe) We barely had the sign up to promote Saturday's festivites when people were stopping to read it! How awesome!

So I still say Bring it On! We are going to need volunteers for Saturday and the following week's VBS. If you can help, let someone know! There are plenty of opportunities and maybe you have exactly what is needed. Areas in which you can help on Saturday, July 19: Food, Bounce Houses, handouts, games, crafts...anywhere! Setting up...taking down. Oh yeah, we also need volunteers for the Dunking Booth...any takers? =)

Don't forget, this Thursday flyers will be available at the church @ 7:00. I will have flyers, posters, postcards and....(drumroll)....Door Knocker (hangers). So come and pick some up and let's get the word out.

Monday, July 7, 2008

When I first began posting here, one of my intentions was to keep a public "track" of all the times other people have made me stop and say "Wow!" Those times I have had people be kind to me or someone else - I am so thankful for these incidents. They inspire me - this is when I am reminded that God is always working hard on us.

Today, unfortunately, was one of those challenging days that you wish to just be over. After a night of not much sleep and a morning of a lot of deep breaths and reciting Philipians 4:6-7, I made my way to my destination (Domestic Relations court in Brown Co...) On the way there..."BEEEEEEEP" I look down at my dashboard and there is the little battery light shining back at me. Of all days for this to happen (another deep breath please!)

I call Dave...what do I do? Battery, alternator - is it overheating? No. Nothing much to do except hope I can make it to Georgetown and then call if something else happens. After the hearing (continuance - waste of time, btw), car starts (whew) and I head back home. Almost home, that "something" happens. I exit the highway in hopes of being able to pull off so it will be all better. Of course, that didn't happen! So, a tow truck, $70, and a crowded ride to a repair shop ended the afternoon of events. Oh, and Dave came to our rescue (as always) at the repair shop.

While we were sitting along side of the road, I can't remember how many cars passed us by (many), but I do remember how many stopped to ask if we needed any help: Two. One lady asked if we were lost (I was trying to find the road sign to see exactly where we were) and then one gentleman asked if he could help. For all of those that went on by, the two that stopped made up for. I think people are generally afraid to stop - thinking it might be some kind of ruse to rob them. I am not sure how threatning my daughter and I appeared, especially with me in a long skirt and sweater, but I am sure someone was thinking...maybe they're robbers! lol

It was a challenging day but after taking a lot of deep breaths and saying a few thank you's to God for delivering us home safely, we are off to the church to help with events.

We should sleep well tonight! =)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bring it on!

I was looking at my calendar yesterday, trying to plan ahead. With kids and pets, and life in general, sometimes I have to see it in writing. (Other times though, I get too organized and then become unorganized. Makes no sense, huh?)

But honestly, even before I write about what is going on, let me admit that the busier I am, the better I feel. Just ask my family how often I sit still long enough to watch a whole movie. They would probably just laugh because unless I am forced, it doesn't happen. DVR has become my favorite invention.

First -- and the most exciting part!! We (friends at Center Pointe) have been in the beginning stages of planning a huge community festival. It is so awesome to see people excited about reaching out to the Goshen community! We all thought it would have been so nice to have a regular VBS but between the timing and all, we put that as our goal for next year.

Just as we are trying to figure out things for this festival, God stepped in and showed us His plans. Pastor Ray was contacted by Oliver Hawkins of the Cincinnati Baptist Association who said that a group was planning a VBS for another church but that had been cancelled...were we interested? Wow, are we ever! Bring it on! When Ray called me I didn't know what to say at first. Amazed and overwhelmed with just pure awe at the awesome'ness (my word for the day) of God. After I hung up the phone from Ray, I called Dave, of course, all excited and guess what...he already knew =) He said, I already volunteered to make sure the church was open every night for them. He still let me go on and on though.

So, everyone hold the date of July 19 for our big block community celebration (compliments of the Cincy Baptist Assoc) and then starting Monday (July 21) plan for all the children to enjoy a week's worth of fun, worship, and praise. It's going to be big and it’s going to be fantastic. Isn't God wonderful?

We do have other things going on this month, Clermont County Fair horse show, family reunion, etc. One bite at a time though. =)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

hand in hand...why?

I am so fortunate to be married to my best friend. When I have good news that I can't contain, I call Dave. When I have bad news that I need to share, I call Dave. If I have had a challenging day, I talk to Dave. He laughs with me, sighs with me, and even understands when I vent.

When we were married, the heading on our wedding announcement stated, "As my walk brings me closer to Christ, it is your hand I reach for along the way." All I have to do is reach out and hold his hand. So, through life we go, hand in hand. Ups, downs, and all-arounds...hand in hand.

My Dave and his son, Dusty

Monday, June 30, 2008

It Starts...

Just starting so look out!