Monday, July 28, 2008

Normalcy...sort of

The Fair has come and gone so my family can now get back to a little bit of normalcy...sort of. We are all still busy with different things but with the fair out of the way, the hype has died down some.

I have to brag "a little" on the kid =) She was awesome! Her horse was still feeling a little sore so Erin couldn't compete in the jumping classes but she shined in the rest. Take a look:

One of the downfalls of this year's fair is that I missed our wonderful VBS program. I didn't want to miss but for safety, I insist on being at all of Erin's shows. I witnessed two incidents this year that confirms my concern. Two different girls were hurt during the show and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. God was looking after these kids! One girl flipped over and over and twisted her neck but she had no injuries, just bumped and bruised. The other young girl's horse reared and then flipped and fell on her. That was terrifying and brought tears to my eyes! But, once again, no injuries! There is no doubt that God had his hand on both of these young riders, protecting them. Thankfully Erin's horse is fairly mild tempered so we don't worry too much about Erin getting thrown - but then again, these girls probably felt that same way.

We made it through safely and without any issues - unless you consider sunburnt lips an issue...I qualify for that =)

1 comment:

Diana Smith said...

How cool! Mom you must be so proud!!