Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tree Angels

We have a Salvation Army Angel Tree at work. We put tags on it of children in need and then employees choose an "angel" and donate a gift to that child. The true angels are the people who choose a tag. I have been checking on the tags to make sure they are all chosen and they have been!

Today, our tree is bursting with donated/requested gifts. I can't tell you how emotional it made me to see such an abundance of giving. There is everything from clothes to playsets to books and even bicycles! I am sure that my family is not the only one struggling with buying Christmas gifts this year but somehow, these people found a way to provide another's child with gifts. This is the first year that all the tags were taken from the tree.

We put up three angel trees in Cincinnati and all three have been emptied of tags and filled with joy. Blessings are everywhere!


Unknown said...

That is awesome!

Diana Smith said...

That is awesome! This year our office has picked a family to buy Christmas for in the owners name. I really like the tree idea, it helps out so many more families.