Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sleeping in

It seems our days of sleeping in ended with our vacation. Just a few years ago, we used that as an excuse for not making it to church every Sunday..."I never get to sleep late..." Anyways -- my new responsibilities dictated that we even get up earlier the last two weeks and then there is Dusty's needs on the weekends, and then a wedding today. So, no sleeping late for over two weeks.

Today we attended Dave's nephew's wedding which took place at the Renaissance Festival. I have to admit that I thought it was going to be corny, BUT it was actually very nice. I would not have wanted to get married in that type of setting but for them, it worked well. And, the festival was fun too! We watched jousting and some other small performances. If it hadn't been so hot, we would have stayed even longer but the sun was cooking us (yeah, we know...wimps) plus Erin needed to get back so she could get ready for the homecoming dance. We never thought it would be worth the money, $20 per adult, to go but it is. Just plan ahead for the show times - it's fun. We were lucky to have free admission for the day.

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