Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Excitement is BUILDING!!

Even after yesterday's issues and little sleep, today I am re-energized and full of excitement! I am pumped-up for the Block Party and VBS! I love the theme - Outrigger Island. With such bright colors you just can't help but smile and feel the energy. (Although I think Jen was having a little bit too much fun with the paint last evening - wish we had pictures! hehe) We barely had the sign up to promote Saturday's festivites when people were stopping to read it! How awesome!

So I still say Bring it On! We are going to need volunteers for Saturday and the following week's VBS. If you can help, let someone know! There are plenty of opportunities and maybe you have exactly what is needed. Areas in which you can help on Saturday, July 19: Food, Bounce Houses, handouts, games, crafts...anywhere! Setting up...taking down. Oh yeah, we also need volunteers for the Dunking Booth...any takers? =)

Don't forget, this Thursday flyers will be available at the church @ 7:00. I will have flyers, posters, postcards and....(drumroll)....Door Knocker (hangers). So come and pick some up and let's get the word out.


Diana Smith said...

I vote for RAY to be on the dunk booth. How cool would it be to dunk the pastor : ) JK Oh in that case Chris would be a good volunteer too. A cop and a pastor on the dunk booth!!!

Scott Smith said...

Can you guess who I voted for? Hmmm everybody but me!

Lisa said...

I vote Ray and Chris in the dunking booth! Not together of course,they can take turns! LOL