Thursday, July 31, 2008


We have a common laugh (all in fun...)at work about a customer who uses the wrong words sometimes. One time she meant to say presentation but it came out "permeation" - we have no idea how the two are related! We now pass this word around the middle of conversations for a laugh or two. But, this word came to me the last two Sundays during worship service. The music was so incredible, I could feel it. I love our praise group - they are so awesome. The music is not only fantastic but it really PERMEATES! When you sing or even listen to them play, do you simply sing and listen or do you really open your heart and let yourself feel it? I close my eyes and sometimes stop singing so that I can just feel it. Now, I will clap along and get excited when Chris roars out "I am Free!" but when he croons something like "Cry Out to Jesus," I close my eyes, internalize the words and really physically and emotionally feel them. Most of the time I will stand there and cry, thinking about the blessings I have received. The music is powerful - given to us with full faith and dedication - a true devotion. Thank you to Center Pointe's most-terrific Praise Team for giving us the chance to really feel the music.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

wow! I couldn't have said it any better!!