Monday, September 8, 2008

Serving as a Journey

I had some trouble sleeping last night so I spent the time reflecting and praying. Like a lightbulb turning on, it came to me that serving for me has not been just a thing to do - for me it has been a journey. When I took that first step out to serve in the children's ministry, it was a little scary. Okay, not a little scary, a LOT scary. I had so many questions - what to do when and how. (still asking those...) But it was the first step in leading - stepping up and stepping out.

It still is scary at times but I know that with each step I have taken, I have grown. I am learning to deal with different situations: When and how to talk and when and how to just listen; When to stand firm and when to bend; When to ask for help and when to believe in myself to just do it. When to offer suggestions and when to be accepting. To sum it all up - learning how to discern (from Pastor Ray's Leadership entries!) But, I am learning and I am growing. It's journey.

Center Pointe's volunteer banquet was fantastic. I didn't sit there thinking of myself as a volunteer but as the one who is thankful for the volunteers around me. I could never do what I need to do without everyone. I am so thankful for everyone - you are all wonderful and fabulous and great and awesome and tremendous and beautiful. You are all beautiful.

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