Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Home for the holidays

When all three of my kids are home at the same time, I get excited! Yes, they disagree and argue but for the most part, we have a good time. This Thanksgiving we were planning on not being all together as one of my sons was going to go with his father out of town. I was so happy when he called this morning from our house to tell me that he changed his mind at the last minute! He will probably get bored before the week is up but for now I will just revel in the fact that they are all home for the holiday. When they are all married with their own families I will probably be that type of mother who uses guilt to get them all to my house for a holiday. =)

Now, if I can just get them all to church with me on Sunday... I guess it is time to remember that it's not my battle and that God has his own time table. I will just keep doing what I am supposed to do and let Him handle the rest.

1 comment:

Trish said...

It sounds like you're having a great holiday weekend! I had a great day with family and friends yesterday too.