Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday Switch-Up

Although I had thought it would be fun to have a Christmas celebration this week, at the last minute I switched-up and decided to make it a birthday party instead -- a half-birthday party for Jesus. We played birthday games such as pin the candle on the cake, hot potato and musical chairs to the tune of "There were Twelve Disciples." This song names the twelve disciples in rhyme and what better way to learn who the twelve disciples are? So, we played it over and over and over ... you can imagine - it is still stuck in my head! Great song to have there by the way. The party was great - the kids were spectacular! For the last three weeks it feels as if we have settled into a good groove. The kids know what to expect, I feel more comfortable - and the assistants have been providing such great care! That has been one of the keys to our success. Before, with such a wide variety of ages, the younger ones were restless and the older ones had questions. Combine those two things and it is a little chaotic. However, thanks to those who came to help, such as Lynn and Erin yesterday, the younger kids were completely entertained, allowing the older ones to have their time to listen and ask.
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and been there for us. Our team definitely needs you! If anyone else would like to be a part of the Children's Ministry Team, just give me a holler. We're working on developing the program even more - it's going to get more exciting each week.

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