Friday, July 18, 2008

Pumped Up!

Dave just called and said..."Less than 24 hours now!" Oh, I know it! I am so excited but all of a sudden feeling a little overwhelmed. I have little cards to give out and other things but is it enough? Do we need...? Do we have...? I know that everything will be fine and everyone will have a wonderful time but that "perfectionist" in me rears sometimes making me feel like I should be doing more. It will pass =) This is the time when I realize that I need to have more faith. We've done the work! Now let's bring it all together.

Congratulations to Scott! I have been watching the poll today and it looks like you are the man! Now, who else? We'll see!

The missions group will be here and setting up for VBS on Sunday. Not sure what help they will need but knowing our group, they'll have more than they need. And more laughs and fun than anticipated.

Update on the horse: In the words of our daughter - She is fantastic! On top of tomorrow, we are also getting ready to spend many many hours at the fair next week. I make it sound like a chore because, well, it is. But it also entails funnel cakes, footlongs, caramel apples, and salt water taffy. Yummmm.

See you at the party!

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