Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thank goodness for laptops and IPods!

Yep, we're still without electric. For the last two nights we have been snuggled around the laptop watching a movie. Dave's sister has been so gracious to us - using her shower, washer/dryer - and last night she fixed us dinner. You don't realize how great Stove Top stuffing tastes until you have had to eat out for four days straight! She hsa been a gem. The best part is that we do not hang out with her and her family often so we have had the chance this week to realize how much we have all missed. With our busy "television" schedules every evening (lol) we haven't taken the time to just sit and talk with them. It's been great reconnecting and catching up. We all talk often about improving our relationships with others - how ironic that it took a hurricane for us to do this with our own family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, still no power? Glad things are going well while going through this.