Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting Closer

Sunday was exciting and rowdy with the kids. We "rowed" our boat out into the sea, got hit with overwhelming waves and rain and wind - then were blessed with the ultimate protection of Jesus. There are some future oscar winners in this group! Kids were being thrown "overboard" and splashed with salty sea water. It was wonderful to see them getting into the story like that.

I think I have found a trend growing though -- as we are going through the lesson, the question keeps popping up of when they get to pick something from my "prize" box. This was something I started as a reward for the end of class and has been a big hit for remembering certain things from class - they whisper the answer to me and get to choose a small gift. I still make them wait until then end though. =)

Last night was amazing! We (Dave, Erin, and I) hung out at the Smith/Simpson small groups meeting. During and after church it usually a little more-than-hectic so to get to sit and talk with everyone was incredible. Scott and Diana - you guys ROCK for having all of us to your home. We had a great time and the kids had a great time. What a great group!

The festivities are getting closer! Are we getting the "word" out? Any spottings? We (Dave and I) tried yesterday while we were working with the Jr. Fair at the Clermont County Fairgrounds but everyone there had the same answer: We'll be here next Saturday... There's no reason they can't take a break and have a little bit of "free" fun though, right? We tried and we'll keep trying.

We (many others) have also placed announcements with KLove, 93.3,, wkrc, wlwt...hopefully it will show up on these places. If you see any, let me know. Signs will be ready soon to put near the intersection of S.R. 28. And, there are more flyers, posters available. Let me know if you want more and I will find a way to get them to you. The more people we reach, the more people we can get excited about Jesus!

Also, did you notice how close the votes for the dunking booth are getting? Guys, just think of it as the ultimate flattery! Chris stepped up during church service and agreed to take a turn. And Scott...he agreed to wear a pretty floral hawaiian bikini top - We have witnesses! (and we'll definitely have cameras) It is going to be great! Jeremy has promised to wear his best suit for the occasion - we didn't even have to pressure him! Pastor Ray - well, I think it is just expected now... =)


Anonymous said...

Jared and the boys passed out some doorknob hangers yesterday. We have tons more places in our neighborhood we could pass them out because we only ended up with enough for our building and one or two around us. So if we could get more that'd be great!

Lisa said...

I put a flyer for Saturday in my back van window, so I'm hopeing everytime I stop at a red light someone will read it and come!