Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stubborn, you bet!

It's no secret, at least in my household, that I can be stubborn. My dad even used to call me "bullheaded" when I was a kid. I would prefer to think of it as determined - the word stubborn just gives brings an ugly image.

Lately I have been on a roller coaster/merry-go-round with so many changes going on but I think I am finally getting a grip on some of it - well, I am making it through it. I am DETERMINED to make it the rest of the way through like a racing champ - soaring through the finish line banner with arms in the air!

But if you think about any race you have seen, the winner is soaking wet. They didn't get there by just skipping and humming. It took perseverance and lots of perspiration. And people aren't always encouraging. You have many who during your "race" are offering you a drink and yelling GO GO GO!! but you know there are some who would probably pull back the cup just as you reach for it. (Full of metaphors can thank Erin and her teacher.)

My diabetic doctor's office called last week to give me the results of my first (let me emphasize FIRST) screening since being diagnosed. The asst says that my AC1 is 8. I wanted to hoop and holler! I went from 13 to 8 in two months which is from the top of the chart where you are in danger of losing organs to right above normal! You know what she said? "We'd like for it be lower." Awww, that's like dropping the cup of water just as I reach for it!

Not going to get me down though. All she did was set up the scene for me to work even harder. I am DETERMINED to be a 6 by the next visit which is in 3 weeks. I have begun running and doing even more exercises. I'm up to half a mile steady running now! Doesn't seem all that impressive putting it in writing but when I am running, a half-mile feels incredible! And, I did find better fitting clothes so that I spare the neighbors of any unnecessary streaking. =)


Jared said...

Hey, 13 to 8? Awesome!! Way to go, Trish!!!!

Lisa said...


13 to 8 is awesome! Don't get discourged, keep up the hard but good work and you will be even lower on your next appointment! I would imagine your already feeling better,and have more energy. Good job!!!!!