Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have so much on my mind today. If I tried to write it out long form, there would probably be about 15 paragraphs. So here's my best attempt at an abridged version: (Warning - It was pounded in my head to never generalize when I write so continue with caution.)

1. The Broken Road: Dave and I asked Mr. Chris Wall to sing this at our wedding because it really symbolized our journey to Jesus and then to each other. Our journey continues and just keeps getting better - hand in hand.
2. My Husband is just simply awesome. Last night there was some worry in the house, nothing too traumatic, but Dave took the helm and prayed with Erin. Twenty minutes later, the long-awaited phone call came and it was all good. He couldn't love us more.
3. We're proud of our daughter. She knows who she is and what she wants and is willing to do what's necessary. Letting her drive by herself was the hardest thing I have done yet with any of our kids but she is a good driver and I probably shouldn't worry so much.
4. Our boys are all such caring people. They are sympathetic and loving and all have great smiles. (Shhhh...they probably don't want anyone else to know this but it's true.)
5. I am excited about the new Children's Worship at Axiom. Until now it's been a one-step at a time thing for me but John is now in the mix and has given me new energy and enthusiasm. Bring on the world! We're seeking prayer so please pray for us as we begin.
6. The message at church this week was really thought-provoking. It was focused on the men but now the "drip, drip, drip" has become one of our newest cliches' and a fun way to express ourselves.
7. I am thankful for my job. It's not glamorous but I like it and it's something I can do well plus I have a manager who shows appreciation. I work with a great team and most of them love to talk about the Lord and all His goodness. We have unintentionally formed a prayer team. When someone is struggling, there is someone else around who can give them comfort with a prayer. It's cool knowing that they know I am available. They are also a lot of fun.
8. I saw my writing mentor from college last week and she was very encouraging, wanting to know how publishing was coming. She gave me some needed advice and a better attitude. She is just too cool - Dr. Linda Walvoord. Her children's books are incredible.

There's so much more but too much for words right now. I am so thankful.

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