Monday, April 27, 2009

No better way to end it

This weekend was a roller coaster ride for my family but I can't think of a better way for it to have to come to a close than it did.

Our not-so-Small Group decided to meet at the park and grill some burgers and hotdogs. The guys got to show off their grill-skills and the gals made sure everything was ready to serve. The kids got to enjoy some serious running time at the playground and even managed to stay out of the water-soaked sand area (that was gross...) And, I did notice a few people trying to inconspicuously listen to our discussions so I hope they were able to take home with them a few questions which will require them to seek answers.

The weather was great.
The food was great.

But the company was the best!


Unknown said...

I noticed some people listening in too, haha.

It was a great small group!

Jared said...

It was a great time! Definitely have to do it more often!